novice at this script and moding Help!

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novice at this script and moding Help!

Post by Cabal50 » Fri, 10. Nov 17, 22:57


im new at this script and moding i have few ships ready but no idea how to install them where there go say some thing about villina on error sign and bod and pdb file and ppb other file that not in the original .

what im asking is there a easy way showing me where every thing go in the folders like fly in a star trek ship show my friends :)

Thanks :?
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Post by BlaxTorm » Thu, 4. Jan 18, 16:58

depends how u have the ships if u have x3 editor and the bod ship and bod scene ship it is easier, 1st u need to place the ship bod and scene ship bod into a new catalog fyle the knows as .cat (for safetty issues) if i'm not mistaken they must be inside objects and ships folder.
then in the x3 editor if u have have the id of the ship from the place it doesn't work copy it to copy of ur latest tships (yeah u have to extract it and place it in types folder inside the cat as well) in the id u copied check in model if the path to the scene and ship is correct ship\name of the ship (check also in the scene file otherwise it won't work and show only turrets and no ship) and i think that's all tho it won't show in shipyards

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Post by Hank001 » Thu, 15. Feb 18, 12:25

Was in the same boat as you for a while Chum. Left modding for 3d modeling for film and TV. Just retired and I'm back after 11 years. Had to read up and pull together tools.

There's tutorials galore, but if you have 3DS Max it makes things easier. I flat guarantee you that you'll fail on first attempts. Don't let it discourage you. Keep trying. Learn to not only model to bods but to set up those scenes for that cool model. Keep backup of unmodded game! First attempts at packing cats are fraught with dangers. After a while you'll be Khak busting in you're own custom ride. Plenty of shipyard mods to go pick it up at. Anything worth doing is going to take equal measures of reading and learning, but doing is equally trial and error.

Good lick mate. Ad Astra.
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