
Ask here if you experience technical problems with X³: Terran Conflict, X³: Albion Prelude or X³: Farnham's Legacy.

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Post by Camtech » Thu, 27. Feb 20, 14:55

hello folks, i own the game x3 prelube on steam, and im trying to load the x3 prelube , no steam file.
they wont let me do to a code that i must have in my profile.
im trying to install SWLU , without loading it on steam.
what am i missing, Thanks.
i have all the files needed, but the x3 Albion Prelube 3.3.
im registered.

Alan Phipps
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Re: regisration

Post by Alan Phipps » Thu, 27. Feb 20, 20:19

Hello. Here is the FAQ linked in the No-Steam exe download page.

You should always install major mods using No-Steam into a copy you made of your Steam X game game folder and not into the vanilla Steam folder itself. That way you keep a vanilla version already downloaded for if something goes wrong and you have to copy it again and install the mod from scratch again.

If you have registered X3TC or X3AP here (and X3AP shows as registered in your profile) and also are logged in to your Egosoft account at the time then you should be able to download the No-Steam exe without the use of any further codes.

You will need the full vanilla X3TC game folder to be able to play X3AP at all.

Don't forget that the No-Steam exe needs to be in the X3TC game folder you copied and not in its Addon subfolder.

Good luck.
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