[X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

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[X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Fri, 17. Sep 21, 02:58

After the Supernova

Did I Witness a Gravometric Anomaly or Am I Drunk?

Oooh Boy I think one of those earlier rounds of Pirate Roulette is starting to effect me.
With my head throbbing and the loud Bar Chillout Playlist cycling through once again I thought I saw the Local Planet Taurus Disappear.

**burp** “Oh s-cuse me, What were you saying Najia?”

Najia appears off in her own world as usual. Musing about How far we’ve advanced technologically yet the existence, reason and functioning of the Gate Network is completely unknown to us. Why is it then that nearly everyone is more interested in returning to Sol with the technology of the Protectorate and promises from Earth.
Or something along those lines. I can’t tell if Najia is looking at me in shock or concern for my apparent condition or how I willfully just summed up her character. I see her mouth moving, if I concentrate I can hear her

Oh Gosh ... The boss wants the scheduled deployment task done immediately and I’ve got interesting mysteries I NEED to attend to. Would you mind handling the boss..?

The pulsing throb vanishes as she transfers 5,000 credits and the clearances for one of the stations ships. She turns and leaves.

Blinking I step away from the bar, turning towards the window. Well I see Taurus is still outside; but swaying slightly I think I’m not up to piloting a space craft.
I look around the bar with the chillout playlist now settling into the background I head towards a small group and immediately strike up a conversation with Marine Grey. Shes doing me a favour and double time leaves the bar.

Guess I’d better go, stretching the legs will give me a chance to sober up.

I reach the docking pad see the cockpit think its Nodan [VKK-057].
Stumble to the back, Stare for several moments wondering both these things; Where is the gangway and how potent those bottles of space fuel were.

I resume searching for an entry way and eventually lurch inside, Pushing my arms out so I don’t knock myself out My entrance concludes expertly positioning myself in the middle of the corridor.

I see Marine Grey in the Pilot chair waiting for me as I suddenly hear a buzzing in my ears I tell her to request clearance and fly to a local region of space.

Yeah Good Decision, I’m in no condition to fly

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Panos » Fri, 17. Sep 21, 08:29

Ormac wrote:
Fri, 17. Sep 21, 02:58
After the Supernova

Did I Witness a Gravometric Anomaly or Am I Drunk?

Oooh Boy I think one of those earlier rounds of Pirate Roulette is starting to effect me.
With my head throbbing and the loud Bar Chillout Playlist cycling through once again I thought I saw the Local Planet Taurus Disappear.

**burp** “Oh s-cuse me, What were you saying Najia?”

Najia appears off in her own world as usual. Musing about How far we’ve advanced technologically yet the existence, reason and functioning of the Gate Network is completely unknown to us. Why is it then that nearly everyone is more interested in returning to Sol with the technology of the Protectorate and promises from Earth.
Or something along those lines. I can’t tell if Najia is looking at me in shock or concern for my apparent condition or how I willfully just summed up her character. I see her mouth moving, if I concentrate I can hear her

Oh Gosh ... The boss wants the scheduled deployment task done immediately and I’ve got interesting mysteries I NEED to attend to. Would you mind handling the boss..?

The pulsing throb vanishes as she transfers 5,000 credits and the clearances for one of the stations ships. She turns and leaves.

Blinking I step away from the bar, turning towards the window. Well I see Taurus is still outside; but swaying slightly I think I’m not up to piloting a space craft.
I look around the bar with the chillout playlist now settling into the background I head towards a small group and immediately strike up a conversation with Marine Grey. Shes doing me a favour and double time leaves the bar.

Guess I’d better go, stretching the legs will give me a chance to sober up.

I reach the docking pad see the cockpit think its Nodan [VKK-057].
Stumble to the back, Stare for several moments wondering both these things; Where is the gangway and how potent those bottles of space fuel were.

I resume searching for an entry way and eventually lurch inside, Pushing my arms out so I don’t knock myself out My entrance concludes expertly positioning myself in the middle of the corridor.

I see Marine Grey in the Pilot chair waiting for me as I suddenly hear a buzzing in my ears I tell her to request clearance and fly to a local region of space.

Yeah Good Decision, I’m in no condition to fly
Great stuff :mrgreen:

My advice, don't drink when in space :lol:

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Sun, 19. Sep 21, 06:08

Firstly This Wasn’t a Favour

It’s quiet in the small vessel shortly after the Travel Drive is engaged. Except for the buzzing, which isn’t buzzing it’s the boss. The one that wants the satellite, um, satellites deployed because the information they could collect is time critical.

I check the ship’s inventory at the rear console and ask for the ship to be re-positioned while I spend a few minutes just checking that these are the satellites that Najia authorised.

Satellite Deployed

Two more local regions, two more satellites deployed.

A few moments later the boss Dr Feynman calls back. He seems satisfied that the satellites were positioned adequately and that they are transmitting data he is interested in. Further he has approved clearance to enter Sol at Neptune a meeting for a meeting about a more important task.

I request the investigation of a faint gravadar detection before flying to Sol. Heading towards the airlock and prepare suiting up. I then settle into a comfortable position on the EVA chair, close my eyes and exhale. Then getting jolted out of place hit the deck with a THUD!

Firstly What I’m doing is not a favour, You’ve been asleep for hours and I don’t do alarm calls.
Second We are at Neptune. You may say thank you Captain Grey.

Thank you Captain Grey

Finally all ships have quartering for a full compliment of crew, you may want to freshen up, use berth number 3.
Oh stow YOUR spacesuit on the used hooks.

I slink into the designated berth and scan the area there’s a place to sleep a wardrobe , a storage locker for personal items and a small seat. One corner is configured for cleaning and daily care.

I glimpse a dishevelled individual and follow the captains advice to freshen up.
Upon entering the cockpit the pilot chair rotates and Captain Grey initiates docking with the research vessel.

I debark for the meeting with Dr Rick Feynman.

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Wed, 22. Sep 21, 05:33

Making Impressions

I walk from the small landing dock and call for the transit car. I enter the car and querying the location of Dr Feynman set the destination as the bridge. When the car arrives and the doors open I walk out onto the bridge and in moments take in that the command staff are calmly manning their stations and that there are a number of servicemen and women frantically try to solve what appears to be a recent problem.

I spot Dr Feynman at the other end of the walkway and approach.

“Greetings Dr Feynman, Im …”
“Did you arrive on that Rapier [FKH 882]?"
“Interesting, you’re not who I was expecting."
“That’s right I’m Pioola,...”
Yes, Yes, I’ know you you are. I did read your file after all.

Anyway we are still waiting for another member to arrive and I expect it escaped your attention that we’re rather busy getting ready for departure.

"So Is there…"

You own the ship you say.
"Well maybe"
"Hmm.. you could help with a small errand, I need an item others have found difficult to procure."
"You will have to leave now."

I board the transit car and a few minutes later I’m back onboard the scout asking Captain Grey to request flight clearance and to get as far away from the research vessel as possible while remaining at Neptune.

I head to my cabin feeling dejected. I begin considering the outcome of this conversation

An invitation to an important mission and when I arrive I’m shown no respect, told nothing. I think Dr Feynman was surprised that I turned up.
I think I can hear him speaking

You should think of this as a test of your resourcefulness but if can’t do this without my guidance I’m sending a general map location where you might find a contact able to supply an AGI processor. They’re found commonly on Xenon, and I can’t openly recommend that approach.

It’s his latest call that I’ve automatically accepted so when the line goes dead my mind latches on to one word. Resourcefulness. The conversation on the bridge plays over my mind again. A realisation approaches.

I check the map information offered and direct far a change of course towards the location and scroll though last nights transaction history

# Transfer +5 000 Cr – From Acc: Najia T
# Ship Ownership Transfer – Ship Rapier [FKH 882]
# Transfer -4 440 Cr – To Acc: Bella G
# Contracted Hire & Employ – Individual Bella Grey

Well that is interesting and explains a few things

“Awaiting Orders” Captain Grey reports.

I return to the common area and see a station in the marked vicinity
"Captain initiate docking".

Her first station landing was a little wild and as I’m striding past the cockpit
Dr Feynman suggests I’ll find the dealer in the bar, and him thinking that I may be prevoiusly acquainted with the individual almost brings me to a stop, and a sudden urge to yell some choice words is brought under control.

I continue striding to the transit bay, head to the bar and find an appropriate if shady patron who I've never met before. Feeling uncomfortable I initially back out of the exchange and have Captain Grey complete another full docking procedure and come back and exchange unstable crystals for an AGI Core.

Back onboard I immediately feel that something is wrong. I request flight to a faint detection that was recorded soon after our arrival. Head back to the cabin and examine this core more closely. Comparing this core against the encyclopedia entries I see I have clearly made a mistake, with the minimal information available. No Information Available on two of the three identified AGI items. As the detection yields nothing. It’s time to order another docking with the remotely located station. In this final meeting with the shady patron he’s treating me like a regular acquaintance and we conclude with the exchange of the second hand core for an AGI processor.

Finally time to head back to the research vessel.


Rapier [FKH 882]

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Wed, 29. Sep 21, 06:21

One Small Step for a Terran

We make our way back to the research vessel Oberth and dock once again. I go to the bridge and hand over the processor to Dr Feynman. With that done is appears as though the Oberth is finally ready to begin this long most important mission.
The Oberth get underway and I return to my own ship until the scheduled mission briefing tomorrow.

Dr Feynman begins the briefing

“We are on the way to a facility that is very important to the future of our people. It recently suffered structural damage due to some unknown spacial distortion. That’s why you’ve been brought in. Our resources are limited, but our people are exceptional.”

Nice Introduction I think.

However that is not the current mission.

Yeah I thought that might be the case, as we are only as far as Brennan’s Triumph.

A number of satellites have been targeted by Xenon. While we’ve managed to intercept the attackers, several satellites have been left in a state of disrepair.
I will assign a number of satellites to return to working order.

I’m thinking as long as I don’t have to repair the satellites I deployed yesterday and I hear a grumbled “Why is it always satellites”. I kind of agree with the sentiment but the damaged satellites I’m assigned are not the same ones I deployed so that’s a relief.

Captain Grey delivers me to the first satellite and before I head to the airlock to use the spacesuit for it’s intended purpose she reminds me.

“Space-faring regulations state that all vessels shall have a supply of space suits sufficient in number for a full complement of crew.”
“That means you’re going to need to find a replacement spacesuit.”
Alright I’ll look into that.

I suit up, ensure the helmet is properly sealed and I’m securely fastened to the EVA chair before following airlock procedures and gently exit the airlock into open space.

I then target the nearest satellite and navigate towards it, moving within 30 metres and then repair it.
Satisfied with a good one third of the task done I return to the airlock and request permission to enter and complete airlock entry procedures. Returning upstairs I ask for the second satellite and repeat the whole space walk and repair process again.

The final satellite is the most distant and while the ship is in travel mode to the destination we fly near a Xenon swarm as proximity warnings go off and as I check the sensor information I get a bit nervous as one seems to be interested by our passage and I don’t like the idea of a Xenon approaching at speed and all I’ve got to defend myself may likely be a spacesuit and a repair laser.

We arrive at the satellite and after a few minutes of nervous waiting to make sure a Xenon isn’t attracted to us. I go through a final space walk and repair cycle before returning to the Oberth so that it can continue with it’s real mission of repairing the damaged facility.

Another day of travelling on the Oberth

And here we are.
As you know, this is a high security facility. Just because you have clearance to do your job, it doesn’t mean you can go wandering off, or touch everything.
It’s currently unmanned and in safe-mode until we can repair the damage and ensure no further anomalies occur.

There’s a question from the crowd and Feynman continues

Rest assured that you will be able to perform your duties. We begin by repairing the external structures. Get into your spacesuits and prepare to be guided to your assigned positions.

We undock from the Oberth and I decide to take the chair and position the scout behind the docking clamp that the Oberth is attached to. My three assigned repair jobs are all within close proximity from here. I get up from the chair and go to the airlock.

See you Soon I say as the outer door closes.
Necessary communications only being the clipped response.

I finish up the third repair job when the Oberth broadcasts

We’re picking up strange readings again, you’d better get back to the ship.
Gravimetric shears! Disengage docking clamps!

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Wed, 6. Oct 21, 09:33

One Giant Tear in the Fabric of Space

The rapier fades from view and when I stop the EVA rotation I see a completely different starfield.

I am paralysed from shock.

What is this? Some large artificial structure? So this was on the other side of the tear? It does seem that our investigation has lead to some potentially ground-breaking discovery!
Assistant, Assistant Can you hear me?

The apparent question draws me towards my current situation. I try to get my bearings. Dr Feynman never referred to me as an assistant.

Oh dear. It seems that they were either vaporised or pulled through the rift themselves.
Hmm and what is this. You there. Are you alright?

Where am I? I stammer
You are in Teladi Space. Assuming you know what a Teladi is.
Who are you?
My name is Boso Ta. Some might call me one of the foremost minds of the current age. If anyone knew I existed that is.

But nevermind that. Did you perhaps get pulled through the rift along with the station?
You did this?
Now, Now. Let us keep a calm demeanour, otherwise your oxygen intake may increase rapidly.
I will send a ship to your location. I do hope you will tell me where you have come from. Firstly let’s get you to safety.

I tune in to the ship locator beacon that Boso Ta indicated and head towards the ship. It’s a bit of a distance but I still have a comfortable margin of oxygen remaining from the 30 minute supply when I started the repair work.
When I request to dock the airlock opens and I enter into safety.

I ask the pilot to explore while I contemplate a few things like
What I should do now
Where am I?
Do I recall knowing who or what is a Teladi?
Is Captain Grey OK?

I turn to search for the crew quarters when a small green lizard arrives, rushing over offering assistance as I almost collapse on the floor.

Hoaeos help thisss Argon” the pilot rasps
"Yesss Foologos" is the response from the small lizard as they assist me towards one of the two vacant cabins.

After recovering my wits and talking with Hoaeos I understand that I am in a region of space called Grand Exchange. They are Teladi and were helping Boso Ta along with a third crewmate, their commander whos cabin I’m now in who was helping in the final phases of the investigation. They had done a most unusually thing and gifted their property Kestrel Vanguard [ACN-270] to Boso Ta saying “It’s what Nopileos would do”
Boso Ta informed them that he would be transferring the kestrel over to the rescued party of their investigation.

Earlier today I didn’t need rescuing, now I own this ship and am steward of the Segaris Station formally of Gaian Prophecy. And I have a plan to add a dock to the Segaris Station. That means turning twenty thousand credits into building materials and various administration fees.

I leave it to my new Teladi crewmates to find the best sources for the material locating a solar powerplant and a hull plant locally and a claytronics fab and a local trading station in an area referred to as Grand Exchange Three
After some discussion with a Trade station representative were on our way to the nearby claytronics fab and the local docking queue is being placed into something of a holding pattern with a localised broadcast

Space navigation hazards within station vicinity.
Please wait for station pilots to dock your vessel.
Navigation hazards are being cleared by the trained station staff

The Teladi seem to be talking excitedly together and Foologos volunteers in aiding the clearing of the hazards. Selling a few ship loads of claytronics to the trading station as well as donating a shipload to our building effort helps by increasing the available credits and decreasing the material costs by quite a lot. We’ll still need a further 23 claytronics to complete the build so I’ll purchase it from the trade station later. I organise the hire of a Teladi Company constructor and with a similar navigational hazard occurring at the local solar power plant a small donation to our building needs and some salvaged energy cells that can go into production of hull plates means I’ll just need the funds for the hull plates and those extra claytronics.

Although well be very lucky with the opportunities from salvage I feel I might want a further buffer so am on the look out for a local mission as we travel a well used route. I happen to find a request to fix a data leak at a station near the accelerator between Grand Exchange One and Grand Exchange Three.

I accept the job and decide to perform it on the way back from the Trade Station with the last claytronics we need. I take control of the ship from Foologos and begin looking for the data leak. I Locate a signal leaking from the station and I think I can hear a message. I focus on the signal and it indeed contains a message a plea for help. Someone wants away from this station, offering a tidy 40k. Oh that’s more than the repair job and I’ll come back for that so I agree and find the individual on the dock and depart for the nearby Solar power plant. On the way back the station with the repair mission communicates that the data leak has been fixed transfers 28K and thanks for a good job.

Purchase the hull plates and observe the last few minutes of construction before docking and access the internal transport system to discover that the Boso Ta needs to manually overcome the security systems in person.
And they need assistance in enacting an Escape Plan.


Segaris Station

Kestrel Vanguard [ACN-270]
Rapier [FKH 882]

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Wed, 13. Oct 21, 06:19


I appreciate not asphyxiating in space today but now I have to go and rescue this Boso. They’re nowhere nearby I have no idea were they are it’s just a different name from where I am at the moment. Just an unfamiliar area of space with a name. I go an ask my two Teladi if they know Hewa’s Twin V. Apparently they do. I leave them to navigate to the sector and head to the cabin. Hoaeos knocks and says we will be entering the accelerator to Hewa’s Twin V shortly. We pass the local defence platform and Foologos makes a navigational adjustment and lines up the nearby accelerator.

Once we enter Hewa’s Twin V Boso informs us that he has refined his escape plan while we’ve been in transit. That sounds encouraging? He forwards a new set of coordinates that we head towards. We haven’t quite reached the new position when Hoaeos begins getting excited, Foologos is trying to encourage restraint, but their profit opportunity is lost. Because I can also see the large ship out there which appears to be abandoned.

One spacewalk later I’ve manually cycled the airlock and taken command of this large ship. It appears intact and equipped. With the engines working and shield registering a charge, it’s armed and internal systems are also working. This ship is large enough to have a dedicated landing pad so after powering down the engines and locking the systems in standby I request the kestrel dock and then we leave to look for more crew.

There’s a general request to deal with some criminal shenanigans from the defence station of Hewa’s Twin III. We go there and I take the chair and I’m able to discourage enough civilian gangsters that we’re paid a nice credit sum. We dock at the station and I start looking around for a pilot. The first couple of Teladi I approach are marines, some of whom are expensive, affordable but not really the skills I want. I eventually approach one who can serve as a ships engineer and transfer the fee and they take up the final cabin berth on the kestrel. Docking back on our salvaged vessel I inform Hoaeos that she will be captaining the Osprey Vanguard.
I rather trust Foologos in the kestrel. So the kestrel goes to Boso’s rendezvous point with the osprey following along.

Boso Ta finally fills in the details of the refined plan which involves an independent trader providing decoy cover to Boso’s actual escape from the nearby station. My band of Teladi will provide protection to the trader as Boso doesn’t want to endanger their lives because they gave aid.

As the trader leaves I take up a rear escort position and the osprey follows. The next few minutes are uneventful until those on the station realise their quarry is missing, they scramble two fighters and the osprey seems capable to dealing with one and the other tries to make a pass at the freighter as I notice a line of weapons fire pass near the freighter but as I turn the kestrel looking for the target I find in stead a mass of sector security forces attacking the enemy ships. It’s interesting watching a few volleys of weapons fire coming from various vectors but essentially local security responded rapidly and efficiently with these criminals.

With the trader able to carry on with it’s usual business we dock with the osprey and I give Hoaeos the command to return to the Segaris Station. I spend the trip wandering through the ship. It is roomy as it can crew 17. We all eventually arrive at what will probably become home in this corner of space, Segaris Station.


Segaris Station

Kestrel Vanguard [ACN-270]
Osprey Vanguard [BMU-852]
Rapier [FKH-882]

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Sun, 17. Oct 21, 04:23

Doctor Pioola

Arriving home I go to see Boso Ta

Aha! At last we meet face to face
This installation is equipped for habitation of all the races and this room seems to be some sort of research area. I expect I could spend years poring over the data contained in these systems.

Is there anything I can help with? I offer automatically.

Boso then goes through a number of science projects that feel as though he’s just thought up that seem to have bits of equipment that need to be organised beforehand.
Forward me these proposals and I’ll decide. I say before turning to leave for the transport car.

I haven’t be able to focus on the science proposals but rather on what Boso said before that. It reminded I haven’t eaten anything for hours, maybe I can find the storesroom or a stocked vending machine somewhere. I go through the sections engineering and security without luck and the science room only had a delivery tube to a secure locker, and what could have been considered the water cooler might now be thought of as an aquarium. Last place to try might me the managers office.

The doors slide open

Diagnostics almost complete Doctor Fyne... moving her attention away from the read out
Hang On your not Fyneman, who are you?
The stranger is a bit jumpy but relaxes some noticing the uniform.
Pioola, Doctor Fyneman said the station was unmanned?
Uhh It is, I was running tests for Fyneman before he allowed everyone else onboard,I wish he’d communicate better.”
Look I’m sorry Technician?
Manager Ako Song.
Look Ako everyone is on board.
I gently turn the Manger to the window behind her with the view of the hulking osprey and beyond that a foreign and unknown moon for either of us.
I hold her closer to me and she wacks me in the stomach when she hears it gurgle
Yeah right sorry, you got anything to eat, you must be as hungry as I am.
I tended to my nutritional needs like an adult, tend to yours.
Right where the nearest conference room?
Room 788 Why?
We’re going there Now.

Everyone gather in conference room 788, We’re having a meeting and bring food.

Yeah as I thought no food here.
Before the others arrive I suggest to Manager Song that she should be sitting down.
Why Miss Pioola so Doctor F...
Doctor Fyneman is not here, only you and I are here, no one else from the Oberth is here and we are not in Terran controlled space.
“So that ship? their crew...” Songs voice rises with concern
The crew is fine
But they’re on their way here!
Yes and that is why I want you seated.

That’s probably a good idea the team will be arriving momentarily Boso Ta chimes in over the room’s speaker system.

Ako Song just slides into a corner seat with a look of shock and bewilderment on her face.
The door slides open and the three Teladi walk in, each carrying a number of stoppered flasks. They each hand me one or two flasks and I introduce each to Ako Song. After introducing Yayusisos to Ako, Yayusisos looks at both of us taps at the stopper of one of the flasks in front of me saying.

Sssipsss, Good, Tassty, better

I remove the stopper on one, hold it briefly to my nose before consuming a third of the contents.
Yayusisos seems to approve and nods towards Ako. I remove the stopper on a second flask and offer it towards Ako. Who politely refuses, replacing the stopper and leaving to to one side. I thank Yayusisos and finish the contents of my opened flask. It seems to have sated my hunger pangs.

We settle in and the outcome of the meeting is that If I want to get home the Argon Sector of Black Hole Sun might be worth visiting. If I want more crew or better equipment, Eighteen Billion could be visited. Hoaeos would like some time to finish collecting her belongings from the kestrel. I see no problem with that and call the meeting to a close.

Alone again Ako reaches forward clasps my hands leans in and whispers
These Slimy Green, Lizardy People, They’re everywhere right?
I look into her wide panicked eyes and answer
They’re not slimy and they are certainly not everywhere.

I am Doctor Pioola, Xenoarchivist of Brennan’s Triumph and I will get us home.

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Wed, 20. Oct 21, 07:30

Responsibility of Command

After letting Miss Song decide on her room and ensuring she is sleeping restfully I head for the landing pad of the osprey. Her reaction was completely understandable, however with only so many diagnostic tests for distraction, I need to be able to do something for her. Checking that Hoaeos has finished moving into the osprey I issue the order to head for sector Eighteen Billion.

I’m probably taking the slightly longer route home. But It appears I have new responsibilities now. I have had some time to assess the situation, we’re alive far from home and I’m responsible for the condition of at least Terrans in my employ. That now includes Miss Song along with Miss Grey. So with that in mind as the Osprey is heading towards the accelerator to the North I climb aboard the kestrel and order Foologos to fly back to the Medical Supply Station and to scan the Medical Production Module. From these scans we can work out the production resources for Teladi manufactured medical supplies. Once that is done the kestrel is to return to the osprey.

In Grand Exchange VI before reaching the jump gate for Eighteen Billion I ask for the nearby nostrop oil station to be scanned. Acquiring the production information of the Teladi main Foodstuff produced by the Nostrop Oil Production Module. The flasks of liquefied nutrients. Comparing the two scan results and aware of what resources are available within Grand Exchange I think producing spice might allow Miss Song to productively function overseeing the operation.

Module: Teladi Medical Supply Production
Produces: 208 Medical Supplies
Consumes: 100 Energy Cells, 40 Spices, 12 Sunrise Flowers, 60 Water
Cycle: 5m 00s

Module: Teladi Nostrop Oil Production
Produces: 500 Nostrop Oil
Consumes: 100 Energy Cells, 40 Spices, 40 Sunrise Flowers, 60 Water
Cycle: 5m 00s

We enter Eighteen Billion and has started transporting some nostrop oil around the sector. I ask Foologos to land on the Osprey. And then communicate with Hoaeos asking why she’s hauling the foodstuff she tells me about the sector-wide mission board. I tune into the sector common-band and yes discover there is a general sector wide request for the supply of foodstuffs for Sector Eighteen Billion. The contract requires the delivery of quantities nostrop oil and medical supplies to Teladi Company stations. Payment for completion is 230 thousand credits. I accept.

Since Foologos is struggling to land on the osprey and I don’t want to interrupt Hoaeos delivery schedule I have Foologos leave me at the Nostrop Station to wait for Hoaeos. Allowing Foologos to source the medical supplies for the contract. Once osprey vanguard BMU-852 docks I hurry on board and the delivery of nostrop oil continues.

With the completion of the nostrop delivery I notice an invitation from a representative of the Teladi Company. Several hours later Hoaeos and I and in the process of docking with one of the Giant Ring Trading stations of the Teladi, This one located in the Sector Ianamus Zura. After travelling through two entire sectors to get here I’m itching to get off the osprey and Hoaeos is itching to do some trading. Foologos completed delivering the medical supplies and therefore the contract a while a go and has continued trading anyway, so I let Hoaeos go trade.

The promotion ceremony although conducted with all formality concludes like a business transaction. Representative Tzessosis Ganatos Ganatos III treated it as such. I do get to purchase some higher quality ships and access to some military grade weapons. The faction representative is where I should go to acquire blueprints and licences. Although I’ll need upwards of 1 million credits to purchase the blueprint for a Spice Production Module. I don’t have that much.

Hoaseos collects me and we fly back to Eighteen Billion with a direct trade flight plan mapped.
The tyranny of distance combined with the responsibility of command.

I hope Miss Song and Captain Grey will cope with a prolonged absence.

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Sun, 31. Oct 21, 07:46


Arriving once again in Eighteen Billion, this time with a hold of hull parts the frigate touches down at the local wharf. Resuming the Teladi idle trade action once I’ve disembarked.

The wharf is busy with the regular arrival of small and medium sized craft delivering goods. A wharf has such a high demand of material because it will produce ships also of small or medium size. That involves talking to the ship dealer so I head over to the showroom. I’m provided with all sorts of digital sales material outlining each basic ship frame all the various local component ‘options’ That I could install. Engines/thrusters/shields/weapons/software are all ‘options’ although some are required and some aren’t. It appears to be a regulation that a pilot is essential.

I decide on a small transport marketed as the magpie. Choose the options that I can pay for and head to the reserved bay to inspect my new purchase and it is seemingly built before my eyes. Appearing to roll of the production line complete down to registration callsign and personalised logo. Three Teladi approach give a cursory greeting and then proceed to board the vessel. I follow up the ladder at the rear and go and inspect the airlock I count five spacesuits that look to only fit these deminutive Teladi. I can’t tell if these suits are made from a patchwork of offcut hull parts or some sort of treated local mineral. I give them a milk run like trade run going to collect hull parts to sell back that the wharf. The result being the kestrel is still the fastest ship I have in the territory. I thank my new crew and wait for my kestrel.

While I wait for Foologos I go over some of the marketing material again, including material that details some of the commercial advantages of the sector Eighteen Billion

Named after a financial incident caused by the famous Teladi Isemados Sibasomos Nopileos IV in Company Pride. While studying, Nopileos programmed an autobroker, which made a quick profit of 18 billion credits on the stock market. Knowing that excess profits would be taken by the Teladi Company as payment for his education, Nopileos instead donated this money to a charity suppoprting Boron orphans. While the charity received more money than the Queendom of Boron’s annual budget, Nopileos was expelled for hiding money from the Teladi Company. To this day, the Teladi are still astonished by by the great achievement, but similarly shocked by the altruistic use of this capital. Following Nopileos’s lead small groups of Teladi in this sector try to live by that example.

A later marketing endeavour by the Teladi Company tried to link the sectors name to the alleged 18 billion causalities of the First Xenon Conflict. The Company still claims the name is referring to this incident.

On board the Kestrel while Foologos is updating some local trade data of Grand Exchange VI and III Boso comms me directly sounding very concerned. I immediately think of Miss Song but Boso is more annoyed about a strange ship that is interfering with some astronomical observations he is trying to make.

Within the vicinity of our station I take command of the kestrel and then head towards the location of this strange ship that is pulsing long range scans. I approach and when I get closer the ship computer Identifys it as the Oberth. It’s not a strange ship but I wasn’t expecting to see it here and now. We’ve been missing for almost 16 hours. My vision blurs with the relief I suddenly feel. Have we been rescued?

I go aboard and when I find Dr Fyneman I learn he was more concerned with the recovery of the station considering the loss of any biologicals as incedential not expecting them to survive the gravimetric event. But now that I’m here I could assist with a few more tasks.

After planting some malware into the Segaris Station and returning a dossier of information that Boso Ta prepared for Dr Fyneman, the Oberth is preparing for it’s next mission while the Segaris Station stays here with the Boron as resident and I’m designated as an assistant to an independent scientist somewhere called The Void


Segaris Station

Kestrel Vanguard [ACN-270]
Magpie Sentinel [NJR-804]
Osprey Vanguard [BMU-852]
Rapier [FKH-882]

Credits 673,113

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Mon, 8. Nov 21, 13:38

Forging History

Well Miss Grey here again to represent your employer?
Yes Sir
Of course you do realise that the promotion ceremony is for Miss Pioola, and attendance is a requirement.
Yes Sir.
The Ceremonial Invitation was sent and acknowledged as received.
Well until her arrival maybe you can provide an opinion on something. Which bulletin to release to the Segaris and Territories News beam?
“Missing Station Relocated” or “Genesis Project Forges Ahead”

What are you basing those on?

Reports from Dr Fyneman, Take a look at this mornings latest

AUTH# TAP10-ZZ-AF1N3M # \\Dr. Fyneman

Located Segaris Research Station [CSL-832] #527.A8D.142443# %REF_[Grand Exchange]
Assisstance rendered by local inhabitants under custodianship of Terran #[PIO-AA642-00] in completing residual scans and providing intensive deep scans of research station.
Custodial upkeep of station left to #[PIO-AA642-00] to observe and contain #BORON-10101.

Advise additional resources restoring project timeline.

Well What do you think?
Go with “Genesis Project Forges Ahead”
You’re right Miss Grey, Project Forges Ahead.
Maybe it’s time you cut back on the stimulants.

After asking for directions from the Equipment Dock at Black Hole Sun. I arrived at Argon Prime and scheduled a meeting with the Argon representative.
After learning thateach station is connected to the local planetary information network.
I discovered some of the local history of the day to day lives of the sector and planet inhabitants For example I learned about Delexian Wheat.

Wheat – [Current Entry]
A Staple ingredient in food rations, wheat is grown across all of Argon space and consumed on a daily basis in the form of flatbread or bunyos.
Where meat is still produced by argnu, instead of synthesised or cloned, wheat is also fed to the animals, which results in meat of exceptional quality.

Delexian Wheat – [Archived Entry]
Delexian Wheat is grown on the plains of Argon. Argon Settlers have taken this plant wherever they have colonised a planet, and now days even, grow it on gigantic farms floating in space.

It is a yellowish green plant that stands 4 to 5 feet tall. The top of the plant produces grain which when threshed, produces a versatile flour like substance which forms the basis of all Argon foodstuff.

See Related
[Food Rations // Current]
[Meatsteaks // Archived]
[Cloth Rimes // Archived]

Wheat not only is it a significant part of the diet of the Argon but it was also used in earlier times in other industry.

[825/02/09#09:57] ***TRANSACTION_BLOCKED*** ++ Insufficient Funds ++
Let me try again.
[825/02/09#09:58] ***TRANSACTION_BLOCKED*** ++ Insufficient Funds ++
Clearly you currently lack the credits.
Maybe you’ll have enough for the Antigone Republic.

I was ready to purchase the blueprints for Spice Production when the credit transfer failed. The Antigone Republic Home System of Antigone Memorial is the nearest with a representative that may sell me the construction plans.
I really enjoy discovering the history of a planet or civilisation, contemplating how things were in the past but contemporary credit problems of the time drawing me to the here and now is distracting.

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Tue, 16. Nov 21, 06:18

An Uncomfortable Void

The ship computer announces “Now entering the Void” and the frigate adjusts course for the gate to the destination sector Antigone Memorial. Navigation is fairly simple for any ship to handle automatically when you can specify a destination. The ship could almost fly and land itself with the right software.

The four of us are gathered around a table, intensely focused on listings of transactions until the end of the meeting with the Argon. Sipping a Nostrop ration watching the Teladi scrolling up and down the listings I notice flushes of color before Yayusisos turns and motions with a claw. I lean back in focusing once again on the list.
Loooksss here, This different, Stationsss unknown”
Thankyou Yausisos

I’m not sure the upright Saurians realise what that means but I recognise the Station ID as the Segaris Wharf of Brennan’s Triumph, that means Bella Grey. Beyond that I’m not sure what that means.

“Now Entering Antigone Memorial”. Nearby is the Shipyard with Cradles for building and maintaining capital ships for the Antigone Republic. Time to begin a two prong search pattern.
Once we’ve discovered The Wharf and Equipment Dock we start doing some more trading but Hoaeos and I perform a satellite maintenance mission and just as I finish the repairs.

Foologos squawks “Send immediate backup” and sets the Kestrel travelling at maximum speed out of the sector heading towards Teladi space. Once in the airlock I tell Hoaeos to pursue at full speed and I try to talk Foologos into setting down at a station.

I’ve convinced Foologos to wait at a station in Second Contact Flashpoint and as we approach the gate for that sector we are struck by a remnant of a Xenon raiding party that local security seems to be mopping up. Hoaeos decides on trading blows, with the attacker The turrets of the frigate opening fire is the first I know of this encounter and when I get to the cockpit and check on the tactical console. I make possibly an ill informed assessment and instruct Hoaeos to make for the gate. The Xenon seem more concerned with the security forces and we make it to the gate without further engagement and the frigate shielding begins to recharge.

I met up with Foologos and I walk over to the kestrel. I can see the hull is badly pockmarked with some ragged holes spread over the frame. I board the kestrel order Foologos to undock so I perform an EVA and patch over the holes and the worst of the external blemishes. Back on the kestrel the pilot’s chair is unoccupied and Foologos is shaking their head muttering “You lose profits” then heads for their cabin. I look to Yausisos who just shakes her head and follows after Foologos.

The cockpit is empty and the blinking lights are hypnotic and that pilot chair looks comfortable.

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Sat, 27. Nov 21, 08:49

Navigation Fly to the Following Coordinates

Taking the empty seat I get comfortable and decide to identify the kestrel as Raven and the osprey will now be identified as Porcupine although the registered identification codes remain unchanged.

I fly back to The Void and fly to the nearby defence platform. There’s an opportunity to deal with local criminal traffic and while I enjoy all the light, noise and explosions of suppressing this criminal element I am considering when, how and what my reaction will be towards Miss Grey for the apparent theft of a million credits. So I collect my payment and despite some superficial damage to the defence platform from some carelessly random ricochets the Antigone Republic Representative sends a formal invitation for a rank promotion.

I go and receive the promotion and the Representative Ace Arek really sounds like he would prefer not to be flying the desk he is behind. I also finally get around to buying the blueprints for the production of spice.

The Raven and the Porcupine rendezvous near the Antigone jumpgate and then make our way to a patch of empty space in the void to meet with an independent scientist. Going great lengths to protect his identity as he wears a space helmet and just refers to his colleague needing help having got stuck in one of the caustic navigational hazards of the sector during an experiment. Heading into the sector at a set of given coordinates.

Boso seems pleased about his assistant being involved in a rescue mission, or the scientific data attached to the that rescue. The Porcupine arrives at the co-ordinates and the independent scientist Kuromanckami contacts me as I go through the Ravens preflight sequence I need to be on the look out for navigational beacons that were established to warn about the regions navigational hazards and to be extra cautious because of said hazards.

Underway in the Raven I locate a number of likely candidates for the beacons and as I approach when the scanning resolution improves enough to distinguish a number of as Kuromanckami terms it ‘Security Measures’ to discourage the curious the scanner eventually pinpoints a navigational beacon and when the on board computer starts transferring information Kuromanckami hails once more with important information.


Segaris Station

Magpie Sentinel [NJR-804]
Porcupine [BMU-852]
Rapier [FKH-882]
Raven [ACN-270]

Credits 863,073

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Tue, 7. Dec 21, 14:28

Familiar Stars

Kuromanckami closes the communication channel. And I’m left seeing the navigation beacon blinking. Apparently after I’ve retrieved enough information from these beacons to triangulate the position of Kuromanckamis colleague I might need to deploy a few beacons of my own. Well there’s none in the Raven and the Porcupine just has various ‘Security Measures’. If there are supplies to sustain the trapped pilot for quite a while I will head off and get some beacons. I take the opportunity to deliver containers of water to a meat factory and then decide to follow up on the Pioneers Invitation. A few minutes later the computer announces

Hazardous Region Detected

Suddenly the shielding fails and hull integrity starts decreasing. Bringing the engines to a full stop and I then start heading back the last few kilometres. I decide to navigate over the hazard, I might need my own navigation markers.

I enter Antigone Memorial and travelling west for a time I haven’t seen a lot of stations aside from the shipyard, wharf and equipment dock. I reach a dense mineral deposit and on one rock I notice a reflection. Moving the Raven closer I use the spacesuit to extract a few blue crystals, before continuing towards Segaris.

Now entering Segaris and the time is 825-02-09 17:30.

It takes me a moment to realise it has been 28 hours since the Station and I apparently disappeared.
It’s finally nice to see some familiar and friendly skies

Unidentified vessel please state your intentions.
Unidentified vessel this is Pioneer vessel FKH-882 please state your intentions

This is Pioola of the Raven registration ACN-270.
We have informed the commander, we will escort you to the Pioneer Spacelab.

That’s where I was heading but this is not the usual Pioneer welcome.
At the landing pad I see stars and then the pilot is escorting me with enough proficiency that I’m bustled into the Commanders Office. The pilot releases the arm lock and I step forward.

Excuse me commander would you mind explaining
Pardon who are you
Oh you’re here about the Promotion
So your not responsible for my walking companion.
You arrived together?
I arrived alone.
Your from vessel FKH-882.
No vessel ACN-270, She is Not Captain Bella Grey and was on FKH-882.
No she is not, but she is still your employee.
And it’s Commander Grey who will be arriving shortly

The officer glances sternly at the back of the room then focuses once again at our conversation.

I’ll allow the use of a conference room for when your captain arrives
Now did you want that promotion?

With the ceremony completed the Segaris Pioneers consider me an Honorary Assistant. I’m now waiting in a conference room with my new friend who now seems slightly more at ease, but is still sternly blocking the door out of the room.

What what that charade about?
It was about you Ma'am the Commander had tasked me with searching the network for you.
I glare at her, trying to assess the truth of that statement
Geez you are similar to Commander ‘Stormclouds’ Grey.
I was thinking dropping in ‘Nella’ see how Captain Grey reacted but 'Stormclouds', that’s brave.
It’s what her crew call her in private.

Captain Grey enters the room
Devika don’t let me hear you saying a bad word about my crew to our boss.
You have a crew?
And a Baldric freighter.
So that’s what happened to the million credits.
Pi if you check your account you’ll see I’ve returned more than that already.
True but it suddenly went missing
Was that the only thing you were missing?
No, but I really should head back into the void.
Fine, don’t forget a few nav beacons.

Captain Grey storms out and marches off to the Baldric while Devika and I head back to our landing pads. Devika transfers the navigation beacons she has to the Raven. I fly back to The Void to the trapped assistant.


Segaris Station

Baldric (URJ-107]
Magpie Sentinel (NRJ-704)
Porcupine (BMU-852)
Rapier (FHK-882)
Raven (ACN-270)

Credits 1,551,805

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Sat, 18. Dec 21, 08:24

Unnatural Hazard

I return to the region where that assistant was trapped and resume my search. I locate a second beacon that I’m looking for. As I approach The beacons ‘counter measures’ seem to have lost their neutrality. I am however far enough away that they are not attracted to the ship. I’m allowed the opportunity to fire on these explosive objects and then I have one last beacon to find. I locate the final beacon close to the edge of the hazardous region without placing undue risk on the ship. The computer extracts the information from this last beacon and is able to establish communications with the trapped assistant ship computer.

Kuromanckami tells me he is pleased with that and that all that might be needed is a new navigation beacon indicating a channel out of the hazardous region that the assistant can fly towards. This navigation beacon might not survive long, but long enough for the assistant to escape. So I deploy a beacon and edge the Raven out without damage and wait. The assistant or rather the assistant’s ship computer locks on the signal from my beacon and finds a route out of the hazardous zone. The ship comes to a stop and then starts broadcasting a continuous alert that the vessel is suffering extensive amounts of hull damage.

I get up and Foologos returns to the cockpit. I tell him that everything will be fine and He can join up with the others soon. I request the Porcupine to get ready for a rendezvous nearby. I begin spacewalking over to the stricken vessel and as I approach the suits alarm goes off. I glance at the gravidar display and think I notice a hostile indicator but it seems to vanish. Moments later the suit alarm is set-off again and Foologos is squawking at me about being attacked. The gravidar definitely shows a hostile so I instruct to evade and head for the safety of the defence station. I repair somewhat minor damage to the assistants scout and then request permission to dock.

I step out of the airlock and the pilot chair is vacant. I dive at the empty chair and start looking for the hostile It’s a lone Xenon M. Kuromanckami sounded impressed that the experimental alloy on the scout performed so well against the natural dangers of the Void. I don’t really want it tested against the unnatural Xenon however. This ship seems heavily armed but the short engagement distance and time means having the support of the Porcupine will be helpful.

Together with the Porcupine the Xenon is eventually dealt with but it put up some serious fight and the Porcupine appears to be heading for the safety of Antigone Memorial, in fact it is. Hoaeos won’t answer my hails so I open the throttle on this ship and in a few minutes I’m performing a high speed docking procedure approaching fast and low. And then matching speed with the frigate so I can touchdown on the landing pad.

The docking computers somehow handle the final stages of the process quite well. I go and see Hoaeos and insist I take control. I slow the Porcupine and checking that we’re not in another hazardous zone bring the vessel to a complete stop. After I’ve inspected and repaired the damage Hoaeos seems to have calmed down and is ready to resume normal duties. I head up to the landing bay to check the condition of the research scout and the assistant within.

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Tue, 25. Jan 22, 11:56

Welcome Pilot

I climb the ladder.

HelloI call out towards the cabins, After a moment without a response I start down to the cabins in case Kuromanckamis assistant is unconscious and incapable of responding.
I’m responding to the distress call I call out suddenly thinking They may be intentionally silent and not like me being on their ship uninvited. The cabin doors slide open automatically but the rooms are empty.
I return to the cockpit perplexed and sit down.

Welcome Pilot Number Three
I swivel the chair but no one else is in the cockpit

Computer Where is Pilot, No Response
Computer Who is Pilot, No Response.
Computer Enter Diagnostic Mode.

Suddenly the Communication system crackles to life and Kuromanckami congratulates me on a job well done and presents the next phase of his plan. Examination of a small Torus Fragment. This requires a falsified ship registration to get to the Torus location.

At the conclusion I now notice that the ship’s console is waiting for a text command. I confirm Diagnostic Authority and then enter the query whois pilot3

# >DQSK395xX
# Localised Ship Instruction Chipset Loaded…
# Redundancy Text Diagnostic Mode Applied…
# Enter Next Command
# > Whois pilot3
# user pilot3 #[PIO-AA642-00]
# > Whois pilot2
# user pilot2 not found
# > Whois pilot
# user pilot not found

Returning the console for normal operation I head to Getsu Fune to locate a Terran Station and acquire a fake ID. Once the fake ID is applied. Kuromanckami contacts me once more. This time advising to avoid Terran patrols as they may be able to see through even the best forgery.

Considering this new detail I point the beak of the Geometric Owl at the jump gate to the Terran home system and decide to engage the travel drive.

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Thu, 3. Feb 22, 23:32


The ship reaches top speed and powers through the gate. Emerging on the other side it continues without losing pace. Apparently there is a Terran station monitoring all traffic entering through the gate but travelling so quickly that the brief reading seems to be considered a perpendicularity of the monitoring equipment.

With the Travel Drive engaged the ships handling means I’m only able to make minor course corrective adjustments. And I soon realise I’m just heading to the middle of the sector. With no alert having been raised I disengage the Travel drive and make a logical course adjustment and head towards the accelerator to the inner Terran Worlds. I engage the Travel Drive and am soon passing by the Planet Mars. Fly back towards the accelerator to the Asteroid Belt and soon discover the accelerator that will move me closer to the Home World. Accelerating into the next sector I make a hard as possible right turn while travelling at six thousand metres per second. I’m at Venus and no alert has been raised yet. Shutting down the Travel Drive I line up with the next Accelerator and get ready to travel though it at maximum speed.

Entering the next sector I am in the vicinity of The Moon The ship intercepts a transmission from the Luna Defence Station

Command, picking up signatures...are there Xenon I should know about?. That question is answered in the Negative but I am already out of range so disengage the Travel Drive and turn towards the Terran Home World.

I’ve now got several minutes of calm as I fly towards Earth to contemplate Why I am the current pilot for this ship. I’m starting to form a theory based on the evasive answers that Kuromanckami has been providing me and if I consider I’m essentially performing this for Dr Fyneman.

The theory is this the Pioneers using Project Genesis as a cover are dabbling in banned AGI technology and has spent some of the resources of the project to build an autonomous craft. They had me pick up a AGI processor which I suspect is in this craft somewhere.

Your theory is sound pilot. But if you don’t adjust course and proceed rapidly we will fail in our mission. I jump to the controls with a start as another message is intercepted about our possible detection. We’ve strayed close to a shipyard and I fly the ship away from it and engage the Travel Drive once again. We’ve escaped but the Terrans seem more alert now

Thankyou Pilot Pioola. It would have been a pity to perform the mission with another pilot.[color]
Uh… That’s alright...Computer??
Your theory of my origin is sound, I have no designation. since you have described it as a Pioneer Engineered, Grafted General Intelligence you can call me P.E.G.G.I
Glad to meet you Peggy.
We’ve almost reached the Super Highway to Earth. There are still Terran patrols about, are you finally ready to perform the mission Pioola?

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Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Sat, 19. Feb 22, 08:56

The Torus and the Owl

We travel along and arrive in the vicinity of Earth, Avoiding two further patrols we reach the remaining fragment of the Torus Aeternal.

Kuromanckami establishes communication
Behold this minuscule shard of Terran hubris. We will excavate your secrets and leave more acquainted with the technology of the Terraformers. I do wonder if they’re still capable of their ancient deeds.

I do realise that the mission is to extract Terran Terraforming data, as an archivist I’m all about the retrieval and preservation of information. But now just listening to Kuromanckami talk about this segment I wonder if he has been blinded by the majesty of the thing.

We approach a viable entry point into the structure. Kuromanckami explains Your colleague is requesting your assistance. Enter the structure in your spacesuit and try to open the door to let you both in.

As I move the Geometric Owl a bit closer before preparing to leave on this EVA I feel as though Peggy could have told me herself. The Outer Lock hasn’t sealed entirely. The gap is too small for even a spacecraft like the owl, however It’s quite large enough for me to EVA through. Once I’m in space Kuromanckami gets a bit long winded about how the spacesuit equipment interacts with the switches. I flip the switch and the outer lock opens fully. I slowly move the owl into the cavernous interior and the outer hatch resets to the nearly closed state. Kuromanckami points out that we really need to progress further in and consider our exit later.

Peggi kindly states Awaiting breach, time for another EVA. Jetting away from the craft Kuromanckami communicates we are on the wrong side of an internal airlock and that there should be service tunnels that will allow me to transgress around each door. Coming out of the first tunnel I am now in the middle of the airlock. I open an adjacent service tunnel and as I get to the other end my suits radiation alarms activate. Just outside the tunnel I enter a hazardous area and the alarms or doing their job and the suits readings quickly climb. Kuromanckami rather forcefully informs me You're in a Hazardous Area GET OUT!!

Suit pressure indicators dropping. The ship is still the other side of the closed airlock door I see the switch and aiming my blaster at it I pull the trigger. Hearing the machinery behind the locking mechanism begin to function I dash back into the service tunnel and start making my way back to the ship, On the way back I hear an AI identifying as Torus Aeternal Segment 34, with a request for Identification. I assume it’s just an old automated response and ignore it. Finally docking with the Owl and quickly start discarding parts of the space suit. I then start inspecting my own uniform checking for any signs of damage before stepping out of it to perform a better inspection. Satisfied that the uniform is undamaged I put the uniform back on. I ask Peggi for a report on the spacesuit.

The news isn’t good as the rating for vacuum cannot be guaranteed. The Owl does have more suits so I will have to use those. It’s time to repeat the airlock EVA This time reversing the doors in a space suit bearing the registration QSK-395 and once again I’m in the hazardous region by the service tunnel but I have to use the repair laser instead of the blaster and another spacesuit fails it continued usefulness once I’m back onboard the Owl.

We now move into a transfer junction that should allow us further into the Torus segment. The Torus Mainframe continues prattling about the Terran Protectorate Act and Peggi begins a rapid fire exchange with it which causes the mainframe to reboot. While that is happening I set the junction switches to allow us closer to our mission objective. We are finally past the Junction when the Torus Mainframe returns and insists we proceed no further while we wait for Terran Authorities to Arrive. Sealing a heavy door in front of us just to demonstrate its intentions

Although the repercussions of not waiting according to Kuromanckami sound ominous he encouragingly suggests that we proceed with the mission. Having got past this slightly more secure doorway we proceed to the data centre when internal defence systems are activated preventing us from proceeding without dealing with them first. Using the activated weapons of the Geometric Owl to destroy each individual turret and then proceed forward I deal with the defences on one side before repeating it against the other side to remove the last of the active turrets. I then open one last set of doors and we enter the data centre.

Peggi will extract the data I just have to disable the system firewalls. It starts of fairly easy having to deal with 4 nodes. Then the Torus Mainframe begins fighting back after it is able to interrupt Peggi and detect my override attempts. When we eventually get the all the data the Mainframe makes on last attempt to stop us by wiping all the data and causing the room to explode.

In the sudden silence of space Kuromanckami breaks the momentary quiet with
You got out there, I was already wondering about possible malfunctions. Did the data transfer go through?
Peggi responds Requested data has been allocated
Dr Fyneman takes the opportunity to indicate We are at the rendezvous point and ready for transfer.
before Kuromanckami continues his drawn out congratulations.
Splendid deliver the data to the location before any pests get to you. And that will conclude my part in our cooperation. Both of you have been adequate assistants. I expect the both of you to properly conclude our project, the best of luck and farewell.

Rendezvousing once again with the Oberth I’m in a transport to the bridge when everyone has an opportunity to report to me.


Segaris Station

Baldric [URJ-107]
Geometric Owl [QSK-395]
Magpie Sentinel [NRJ-804]
Porcupine [BMU-852]
Rapier [FHK-882]
Raven [ACN-270]

Credits 4,370,405

Posts: 1113
Joined: Mon, 14. Jan 08, 10:24

Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Thu, 17. Mar 22, 11:06


I walk upon the bridge and talk with Dr Fyneman

At last we will be able to terraform. It will take a while to decrypt, examine and integrate this latest treasure into our existing research on terraforming. It could take years, maybe even decades.
Years … Decades !! Greetings, Chief Scientist. I am immensely sorry to intrude and interrupt, but please bear with me. I have a couple of algorithms to help approach a solution to you problem.
You have what?
The integration of the newly obtained data into your existing research on terraforming is complete.
You’ve done what! I can’t believe it, it’s all there, we have the results of our research. With this we can immediately put Project Genesis into execution Gaian Prophecy will be terraformed.
Thankyou Boron.

Doctor Fyneman suddenly looks at me.

I start asking a few questions which Fyneman answers in excruciating detail and by the end of it aside from feeling exhausted I know understand that Fyneman is now going to focus on terraforming the planets of the Pioneer Systems, that the Segaris Station will remain with the Boron who can be polite when he wants to be.

I ask If I can use cabin on the Oberth. Dr Fyneman allows this saying to rest well friend. I’m alone in what is normally a communal area with a fresh hot mug of stimulated coffee.

When the Boron calls

Assistant, I still have the terraforming data we worked so hard to obtain and assemble. We too now have the knowledge to implement new exciting terraforming projects.

Well that was a short lived luxury of a polite Boron and a full HOT mug of coffee. I go make a new mug and make myself comfortable on the corner lounge and project the reports and summaries I’ve been sent. Seems everyone has been keeping busy and collected over 4 million credits which are going to be useful. There are even a few reports from a Bolo that I commissioned that’s been quietly collecting hydrogen from Gaian Prophecy. I decide to let Hoaeos hire some fellow Teladi to help with the Porcupine, before working on construction plans for a self operating spice production.

I’m going to attach this to the Segaris Station and after a short while I’m content with the arrangement of 3 Terran cross connectors, 1 Terran Energy Cell Panel, 3 Terran Small Container Storage modules and the 1 Spice Production Module.

So to build all that I just need to hire another builder and supply 41 computronic substrates, 140 silicon carbide, 801 energy cells, 139 claytronics and 510 hull parts for the construction. The construction materials for the spice production module which are the claytronics and hull parts along with the energy cells are easy enough to get to Grand Exchange. The remaining terran construction components are going to be take a bit longer.
I suddenly yawn, getting of the lounge and head to a bunk, before polarising the window to assist in sleeping I look out and see the planet Venus. I arise refreshed and take the transport to the landing dock and the Geometric Owl.

After the landing crew performs an external inspection I prepare to run through the checklist with PEGGI.

Mission achieved. Establishing long-distance uplink to Kuromanckami. Transferring Expedition Core Mk 7. Farewell Pilot #3.

The speaker just crackles with silence. Well Dr Fyneman did say Kuromanckami was getting a copy of the terraformer data, I can’t believe that PEGGI is gone though.

I slowly work through the checklist and eventually ask for permission to launch while at Antigone Memorial. Devika has been following orders and placing navigation beacons by the gates between here and Black Hole Sun. I’m just now going to calibrate them so that Pioneers can safely and confidently traverse these alien regions. Flowing the beacaon signal in the void the Ship warns me of another hazardous region. The Owl takes a light scaulding but my quick reactions and it’s fast engines mean I’m outside the dangerous cloud. Deploying one of my last two beacons and indicate that there is a hazard nearby before continuing to Second Contact Flashpoint.

I dock at a station along side Devika. Leaving the Owl unattended I undock the Rapier and follow the highway down to a region known as Pious Mists. I Deploy a naivgation beacon when I leave the Highway approximately 742 kilometres from Second Contact Flashpoint. Deploy another at the Gate to Nopileos Fortune, one more on the other side and moments later I’m deploying one last beacon in Grand Exchange I, just 226 kilometres from Segaris Station.

Captain Grey then contacts me requesting orders having travelled from the Pioneer Settlements to Second Contact Flashpoint. Since I’ve only got the one route mapped out I provide her with the navigable route to Grand Exchange I and the destination of the Segaris Station Build Storage.


Segaris Station

Baldric [URJ-107]
Bolo Hydrogen [LLL-459]
Geometric Owl [QSK=395]
Magpie Sentinel [NRJ-804]
Porcupine [BMU-852]
Rapier [FHK-882]
Raven [ACN-270]

Credits 4,138,239

Posts: 1113
Joined: Mon, 14. Jan 08, 10:24

Re: [X4 SV+CoH] After The Supernova (CoH Project Genesis)

Post by Ormac » Fri, 25. Mar 22, 07:48

Paths of Stardust

I get out of the pilot seat and Devika returns. I ask for one navigation beacon to be positioned close to the station and then for a series of further beacons to be placed at the transit points between here and the Second Contact Flashpont jumpgate at Black Hole Sun. Once Devika is preparing to deploy the Station Beacon I request airlock clearance. After a passing sense of queasiness from exiting with the shared momentum of the Rapier I orient myself with the station dock and although the central mass of the station is 6 kilometres away the dock is on the near side and is much closer and I’m at the airlock in about 10 minutes.

I have Captain Grey dock the Baldric once the transfer of terran construction materials is complete.
The only construction materials needed now are the claytronics. Aboard the Baldric I hand Captain Grey a new itinerary. which stops at a number of stations including where I left the Geometric Owl. As the ship prepares to get underway I sit at an unoccupied seat and interrogate the computer about the recent flight logs.

A few hours later we approach the Station at Flashpoint and I debark while the cargo is unloaded and the Baldric lifts off to continue the trades that will end with the claytronics which will allow the Spice production module to be built.

As I watch the Baldric fly to it’s next destination

Hello there. I look at my immediate surroundings and there is a charming lady looking at me.
Were you just on that ship?
Well Yes.
Are you here for that ship over there? pointing to the Geometric Owl
Yes, Is there a problem, an outstanding landing fee or something?
Oh no, no problem unless it’s a new Xenon or something.
I just haven’t seen ships like them before.

I’d like to see some Identification and Station Authority Documentation?
I’ll hand over my personal Identification but I don’t work for the station, name is Manda Gisler.

Reading her identification she seems acceptable at piloting.

So Manda what’s your view on the Xenon and lets say Xenon salvage and artefacts?
The xenon are a nuisance and remnants and bits and pieces recovered after they’ve been blasted to smithereens is fair game.
Are you looking for employment?
I’m looking for adventure.

Manda finishes stowing her few belongings aboard the Geometric Owl before taking the pilots chair.
We then fly to Grand Exchange I via Black Hole Sun and The Segaris Station is 360.4 kilometres from the Grand Exchange III Superhighway. Arriving in the vicinity of the station to observe construction underway.

So the Grand Totals

Route A: Pioneers via Highway [1732.1 kilometres]
Route B: Pioneers via Black Hole Sun [1947.6 kilometres]

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